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We believe everyone has a God-given purpose. Our mission is to help individuals discover their unique identity in Christ and the incredible plans He has for their lives.


Once discovered, we are committed to helping people grow spiritually, emotionally, and in their God-given gifts. Through intentional discipleship, worship, and community, we strive to empower individuals to thrive in their faith journey.


Faith is meant to be lived out. We equip and send our members into their communities, workplaces, and the world to serve, lead, and share the love of Christ, fulfilling the Great Commission.



Excellence is not having the best but doing the best with what you have. I am committed to excellence in every area in order to serve as a Godly example to others.​


Honor is the act of showing reverence for God and respect to others. I will honor God with my life, in my family, and with my finances.​


Sacrifice means putting God and others before self. I am ready and willing to sacrifice that which is temporal for that which is eternal.​


Courage is acting in faith in the face of adversity. I will courageously obey the Word of God and always stand for righteousness.​


Unity is to be in one accord; to move, love, and serve as one team. I will fight to maintain the unity of the church so as to accomplish the vision of God in the earth.


The Word of God

We believe the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man. It teaches us how to live and is the ultimate authority of faith and conduct. - 2 Timothy 3:15-17​

The One True God

We believe there is one true God who eternally exists as three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (known as the Trinity).

- Deuteronomy 6:4; 2 Corinthians 13:14​​

We believe Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the World.​ - John 3:16​


We believe man voluntarily fell into transgression and sinned against God, thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God. We have all sinned. - Romans 5:12-1



We believe that Jesus came and died for our sins on the Cross and rose from the dead on the third day. We believe that every person can have a relationship with God by repenting of sin, accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. Salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned through our own efforts. - Romans 10:9-10

Baptism & Communion

We believe and practice two ordinances established by Jesus:

(1) Water Baptism by following salvation;

(2) Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper) as a reminder, of Jesus’ suffering and death for our salvation.

- Matthew 28:19; Luke 22:19-2​​​

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit. We acknowledge Him as God, as much as Jesus and God the Father. We believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer. - Acts 1:4-5, 8​​​

The Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

We believe the initial physical sign of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is ‘speaking in tongues’. As experienced on the Day of Pentecost and referenced throughout Acts and the Epistles.  - Acts 2:4​​


We believe in holiness (sanctification). It is initiated by the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation. It is a progressive work, that lasts throughout life. - Romans 12:1-2​​

The Church

We believe ‘the Church’ is the Body of Christ. The Church is the Hope of the world with the mission of establishing the Kingdom of God on the earth. We have been given the assignment of evangelizing the world and making disciples of those who believe.- Matthew 28:19-20​​​

The Ministry

We believe that ministry every person has a ministry and should use their talents, treasure and time in order to fulfill their calling.

- Ephesians 4:11-14​​​


We believe that God heals today. Divine healing of the sick is provided for through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross.

- Isaiah 53:4-5​​​​

The Blessed Hope

We believe Jesus is coming back as He promised, and all believers who have died and those who are still living will meet the Lord and be with Him forever. - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17​​

The Millennial Reign of Christ

We believe Jesus will return with the believers at His second coming and will rule over the earth for one thousand years.

- Revelation 20:1-6​​​

The Final Judgement

We believe a final judgment will take place for all who have rejected Jesus. They will be judged for their sin and condemned to eternal punishment in hell. - Revelation 20:11-15​​​

The New Heavens and the New Earth

We believe and look forward to a New Heavens and New Earth where all people who have been saved throughout time will live forever with God. - Revelation 21:1

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